Teach Tech Play – Episode 32
Thanks for joining me for Teach Tech Play Episode 32!
While my presentation focused on arts-rich learning experiences that presented opportunities for students to grapple with geometric shapes, there were lots of ideas for diving deeply into layers, size and scale, tessellations and patterns. Overall, I hope the open-ended nature of these tools is clear, and that an iterative, process-driven approach really suits these lesson seeds. I would love to hear about the sparks these starting points generate for your classroom, so please connect with me here and on twitter @art_cathyhunt. I can’t wait to see what your creative children come up with, so please share your experiences as we learn together!
Here are the apps featured in my presentation…enjoy!
Shapes 3D
(My presentation begins around 27:30)
Key resource:
And, the free books and courses below are filled with arts-rich, cross-curricular learning opportunities. These are extensive, creative resources for you to remix and reimagine.
Article: Divergent Thinking in the Creative Classroom on Cue Blog
Article: Multi-media Worksgflows on Mindshift
Key Resource: 10 Lessons The Arts Teach