Grab your iPads, smart phones and super-charge your creative classroom by jumping into my lesson ideas, teaching tips and resources for art-making.
Through these pages you’ll discover resources, ideas and insights for exciting learning experiences that merge traditional, tactile art-making processes and with innovative content, techniques and ways of thinking.
My philosophy for technology integration as part of a meaningful visual arts education is simple – take advantage of what these powerful, digital tools can offer. It’s not about getting rid of the hands-on techniques that support teaching and learning…far from it! Learn how to leverage mobile devices such as iPads and smart phones in ‘messy making’ experiences that merge paint and pixels.
Click the image below to browse our favourite lesson ideas and creative work flows.
Explore some key ideas about teaching and learning with mobile devices by clicking on some of our most popular posts.
Sharing is caring! Grab these free resources to support and extend your professional learning.
Keen to catch me at a conference? Interested in a workshop for your school or organisation? Click here to find out more…
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