Slide2Learn 2014 on a twitter stream…
Jenny Ashby, Lois Smethurst and Bronwyn McLeod put together this podcast review of Slide2Learn. You’ll get a feel for the big ideas that were filtering through the conference. And, thank you for your very affirming comments about my sessions!
12 Questions suggested by #Slide2Learn 2014 attendees are being put to our panel right now! http://t.co/7UJkA1neDw pic.twitter.com/BPkIVjIGOw
— JonathanNalder JNXYZ (@jnxyz) July 2, 2014
#slide2learn with @GregDSwanson @GrahamBM @adelebrice @tonyvincent @deonscanlon @art_cathyhunt and @itmadesimple pic.twitter.com/nU895xY4to
— Kate Maccoll (@kmacc1) July 2, 2014
12 Questions suggested by #Slide2Learn 2014 attendees are being put to our panel right now! http://t.co/UHBLInuYjW
— Slide2Learn (@slide2learn) July 2, 2014
#slide2learn A heap of wisdom on the stage http://t.co/RfqiaQRh7i
— Sam Oriti (@samoriti) July 2, 2014
It's not technology that's good or bad. It's what we do with it. @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn
— Amanda Marrinan (@marragem) July 2, 2014
Panel sess on now at #slide2learn with @GrahamBM @art_cathyhunt @deonscanlon @tonyvincent @adelebrice @itmadesimple pic.twitter.com/PmPNCU5QmE
— Jenny Ashby (@jjash) July 2, 2014
http://t.co/yfakLKAvjs @art_cathyhunt website #slide2learn #aussieED
— Magdalene Mattson (@madgiemgEDU) July 2, 2014
Draw then iPad then print the cut then iPad… Creative process at work! My workshop today at #slide2learn #edtech pic.twitter.com/HWFDs0yeta
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
Ready for day 2 #slide2learn & my workshop is Pad-ing Patterns… Big workflow! Come on down!
#artsed #arted #edtech pic.twitter.com/ZLbjp25AbU
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
@art_cathyhunt wow! Having so much fun not having a chance to tweet. Excellent work, would love to have teaching my kids #slide2learn
— Andrew Churches (@achurches) July 2, 2014
#slide2learn Cathy hunt's art workshop. Engagement, I think so pic.twitter.com/6Og3Mocisb
— Andrew Churches (@achurches) July 2, 2014
"@art_cathyhunt: Claymation how's tos and resources to get started! #edu #edtech #ISTE2014 #edchat pic.twitter.com/zHK3Bxzkoh" #video
— Betty Lowrance – DMP (@dmp_gctc) July 1, 2014
Awesome stop motion workshop led by @art_cathyhunt at #Slide2Learn 🙂
— Graham Brown-Martin (@GrahamBM) July 1, 2014
@GrahamBM Was so great to meet you today, Graham. Humbled and inspired by your enthusiasm for my work. 🙂
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
@art_cathyhunt pleasure was mine, i was inspired – thanks!
— Graham Brown-Martin (@GrahamBM) July 1, 2014
“@Rod_Hysted: Super-charging stop motion at #Slide2Learn . Thanks @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/keExLuAz3h” with @seriata @bacolley
— Martha Sequeira (@Marthaseq) July 1, 2014
Thanks Adele! RT @adelebrice: Great workshop with @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/FrXmhtBIeM #edu #edtech
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
@art_cathyhunt @kmacc1 @jjash fight the power of chroma key!
— Graham Brown-Martin (@GrahamBM) July 1, 2014
RT @Rod_Hysted: #Slide2learn Learning at its best! With @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/itywqg40Gf #edtech #edu #ipad #ipaded
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
Me too! RT @Rod_Hysted: #Slide2Learn I just love to see so many people so engaged! With @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/cTACA6CyCP #edtech #edu
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 1, 2014
Stands from dollar shops -so handy for istopmotion and green screening @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/aq72fslVrP
— Amanda Marrinan (@marragem) July 1, 2014
http://t.co/MeL1EtRn4s -> What's On -> Slide2Learn…further resources from @art_cathyhunt workshop #slide2learn
— Amanda Marrinan (@marragem) July 1, 2014
My awesome #Foldify car I made in the #Slide2Learn workshop by @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/CUXBCN6Bxe
— Graham Brown-Martin (@GrahamBM) July 1, 2014
@GrahamBM cutting out his Foldify for @art_cathyhunt 's awesome workshop at #slide2learn. Hands on is great! pic.twitter.com/44uZsJDSx2
— Kate Maccoll (@kmacc1) July 1, 2014
Introducing my #3D bus! ☺️ #stopmotion from digital to reality! #slide2learn @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/cvEObUFQVX
— Martha Sequeira (@Marthaseq) July 1, 2014
Playing with Foldify. I need all day!!!! @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/xxroOBSW1y
— Amanda Marrinan (@marragem) July 1, 2014
@GrahamBM @jjash made this using Foldify @art_cathyhunt's fab "Super-Charging Stop Motion" workshop. #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/Hhby7JSgtY
— Kate Maccoll (@kmacc1) July 1, 2014
Oh Yummo look at this cool app to make cutout figures http://t.co/ka5QkiwiFO #slide2learn with @art_cathyhunt Gr8 for all KLAs
— IreneClayton_ICT (@mrsclaytonsclas) July 1, 2014
Super-charging stop motion at #Slide2Learn . @art_cathyhunt at work… or is that play? pic.twitter.com/HYUunmxyoP
— Rod_Hysted (@Rod_Hysted) July 1, 2014
Animate from 2D to 3D in imotion. Nice! #slide2learn @art_cathyhunt use foldify for the nets.
— Jenny Ashby (@jjash) July 1, 2014
Super-charging stop motion at #Slide2Learn . Thanks again @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/YKH5JYeqCn
— Rod_Hysted (@Rod_Hysted) July 1, 2014
iMotion with Cathy Hunt at #slide2learn kids invest in the process and not the product. @art_cathyhunt it's like Christmas new play dough
— Jenny Ashby (@jjash) July 1, 2014
#Slide2Learn I just love to see so many people so engaged! With @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/aXXL0RrPOt
— Rod_Hysted (@Rod_Hysted) July 1, 2014
Cathy Hunt @Art_CathyHunt about to supercharge stop motion as a learning tool #slide2learn 2014 http://t.co/t8XCN8J5BR
— Slide2Learn (@slide2learn) July 1, 2014
Great workshop with @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/hK6M8VQPd6
— Adele Brice (@adelebrice) July 1, 2014
There is no great app- it's about the combinations of apps and the why @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn
— Stella (@SGoudis) July 1, 2014
http://t.co/nM0QAauwnc with @art_cathyhunt Session1 learning about StopMotionPro YEAHHHHHH #slide2learn
— IreneClayton_ICT (@mrsclaytonsclas) July 1, 2014
"Let them be amazed!" @art_cathyhunt #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/fLB9D1q6c9
— Martha Sequeira (@Marthaseq) July 1, 2014
PD for teachers should be fun… learning is fun! Getting my first workshop ready to go at #slide2learn
#edu #edtech pic.twitter.com/YQsJEvOGGV
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) June 30, 2014
RT @Rod_Hysted: #Slide2Learn This is what learning looks like. @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/9FfBwmA8Gn #edtech #edchat
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
RT @Hobson_k: This started as a simple selfie!! App smashing in art!! #slide2learn #selfie pic.twitter.com/eMGbLoFh1E #artsed #edtech #arted
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
RT @achurches: #slide2learn Cathy hunt's art workshop. Engagement, I think so pic.twitter.com/Cd5om4MMEA #edtech #edu #edchat
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
They are wonderful, everyone! RT @Rod_Hysted: #Slide2Learn look at mine, look at mine! @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/WGq3fOFoDX #edtech
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
RT @Rod_Hysted: #Slide2Learn App-stractions and padding patterns. @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/yc6o4Or1Wx #edtech
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
Thanks for the enthusiasm for creative workflows #slide2learn! pic.twitter.com/ij1dkVb6mE
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014
From a jumbled mess to great art. Thanks @art_cathyhunt @slide2learn #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/WtcKrWkwhQ
— Matthew Mcgee (@maccamcGee) July 2, 2014
Creating iPad art! Three apps used to create the final outcome!! #slide2learn #aussieED pic.twitter.com/GUa6waIpdo
— Kelly Hobson (@Hobson_k) July 2, 2014
@art_cathyhunt My art workflow… I'm so arty! #fun #slide2learn pic.twitter.com/yYKty7tZhR
— Karen Morgan (@misskarenmorgan) July 2, 2014
#Slide2Learn iPad art @art_cathyhunt pic.twitter.com/SfOuckaSAB
— Andrew Churches (@achurches) July 2, 2014
#slide2learn Cathy hard at work. pic.twitter.com/7lAPqnCbPR
— Andrew Churches (@achurches) July 2, 2014
Thanks for a great creative conference #slide2learn friends!
#edtech pic.twitter.com/3MZdL3KHYP
— iPadArtRoom (@art_cathyhunt) July 2, 2014