Op Art Resources
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Patterns, Fractals & Op Art
The work of Andy Gilmore
Illusions and perception (first half of clip is the most valuable)
Collection of Op Art experimental drawing tasks – Mrs Hunt’s Year 10 Op Art Pinterest Board
Illusions (part one) from Animal on Vimeo.
Fractal World Gallery Thumbnails : cosmic recursive fractal flames or flame fractals
Aerial Photographs Showing Patterns and Repetition
Gorgeous Geometric Patterns on Cathedral Ceilings – My Modern Metropolis
General Motors, Detroit, America from Anthony Burrill on Vimeo.
No ideas? Here’s the back up plan…
- Starry Night – Van Gogh…with patterns
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1. I’ve enjoyed making our own op arts
2. My most successful op art is a drawing of fruits made into an optical illusion
3. I want to do my successful art piece but on a bigger scale and use colours other than black and white
I have enjoyed …
Class lesson, workshop thingo mabob
The most successful thing so far…
Drawing a picture in class, which I am now using for a final piece.
I am going to do for one of my folio pieces is…
Doing a op art drawing with a waterfall falling into dots.
I have enjoyed painting the op art and using one colour and mixing it with white and creating lighter and darker colours. The most successful aspect was the op art piece that had circles all the way through it.
I have enjoyed creating different shapes and patterns to make cool illusions. I have learnt to keep going with my precise even if I don’t like it at the beginning if I continue to work on it then it starts to look a lot better. I would really like to include circles fading, it has a really cool effect how the circles around it get smaller and smaller until it looks like it had completely dissolved.
So far I have enjoyed the freedom we have had. The most successful thing I have done so far is my own op art. I started with a basic idea and went on from there by adding colour and more lines and it turned out great. An idea so far for my next piece of art is to use stencils to do tecilation.
I’ve enjoyed using black pens to draw patterns, the most successful thing I’ve done is create an optical illusion and I am thinking of using stencils and a black and white theme for one of my pieces.
1. The think I have enjoyed the most so far was using the stencils to make optical elusions.
2. The most successfullest thing I have done so far is the optical elusions.
3. I don’t know what I want to do yet but I know I want it to be black and white and have some type of optical elusion sort of look
So far, I have enjoyed manipulating existing artworks using the app orangecam on the iPad the most. This is mostly due to the fact that you are able to create an entirely new artwork just by taking a photo at an odd angle and adding a few effects. My most successful artwork this term was the manipulated photos, because they looked unique and were fun to create. Lastly, I am thinking of drawing a portrait for my folio piece and incorporating a few tessellating patterns and spirals.
1. The thing I have enjoyed most so far is using the stencils for the different patterns.
2. The most successful thing I have done was the stencils making the patterens. The black and white one was the best but the paint one was good too.
3. Something that I might want to do for my folio piece is using the stencils to make patterns in black and white or maybe with the colour like we did with the paint.
This term I have enjoyed learning about op art and the different types of op art. My most successful art work this far is the painting I was working on today. I am really happy with how it is looking and I am hoping to use this as one of my 6 art works. For one of my 6 art works I am hoping to do an optical illusion drawing using triangles.
I enjoyed using patterns for camaflage whilst using a bright whit on to a black background.
I guess something that really struck my interest was looking at different types of optical illusions. Especially ones that really warp and contort and pretty much give my brain a hard time to wrap my head around what’s going on in the image. An artwork that I found particularly successful was when I was experimenting with circles and lines, it gave off a particular style and flare that I particularly liked. I guess the idea I would like to revolve my folio around is playing with shapes and different shading techniques.
This term, I have enjoyed the freedom of creation we have had. The most successful work I have done so far is the work I did with the crayons and stensils. I enjoyed all the colours that crayons had to offer. For my one of my final artworks, I will definitely use the crayon and stencil techniques.