iPad art – You’re doing it!
” Technology is becoming increasingly invisible. That’s impossible, you might protest — technology is more omnipotent than ever. It’s everywhere, and we can’t seem to go a day, much less an hour, without encountering it.” Stephanie Buck
Artist Andre Woolery and partner Victor Abijaoudi want to explore the ways people interact with their technology, and document these interactions in art. But how do you do this when those interactions are intangible, spontaneous and perhaps invisible?
” Invisible Hieroglyphics, is a collection of fingerprints lifted off iPads. They capture how we interface with some of today’s hottest apps and social networks: where we click, how we touch and, sometimes, how fast we’re moving.
“It began with a vision, sparked by a casual glance at greasy prints on a powered down iPad,” Woolery tells Mashable. “Once the idea was shaped into a solid concept, we moved on to select popular apps and those that we felt would create interesting strokes.”
You’ll recognize the frantic gestures of an Angry Birds game, as opposed to the direct minimalism of the iPad camera app. You’ll see how our fingertips create an email; how those vertical scrolls betray our Facebook addiction.
“Physical touch through digital devices is how we live, so it will inevitably affect how we create,” says Woolery. “Moved to reveal that touch is an integral part of digital interaction, we wanted to highlight an overlooked form of expression and shed light on the story that is told each time we use an app on our various devices.” Stephanie Buck
See these interesting works and read more from Stephanie Buck in great article, ‘You’re creating iPad art without even trying’ on Mashable.
See more iPad art here!
On the original source so many people are questioning whether this is art… It’s a great conversation starter for the classroom about the artist as the creator, the intent of the artist and idea vs. outcome, aesthetics vs. other….