iPad Art Room – We can create a PD for you!
The iPad is a device for creating!
A huge range of resources are available to support transformational learning, but how how do we find the best apps and activities for our diverse students? And, how do we support our staff to adopt this exciting, but often challenging, technology?
We can help!
Ideas, skills and positive attitudes for teachers and students
Understanding workflows to unlock the potential of the iPad in education
Integrating iPads into existing classroom technologies – instructional design and pedagogies for success
Exploring popular and effective apps for teaching and learning
Using a practical framework for technology integration – SAMR and TPACK
Strategies for improving teaching and learning using iPads
Strategies for improving teaching and learning using iPads
Designing purposeful and challenging projects for your students in your learning context using iPads as a creative tool
Fostering higher order thinking, providing opportunities for ‘creating’ using Bloom’s Taxonomy
Strategies to improve engagement and practical classroom management for mobile devices
Developing student ICT capabilities in line with ACARA – a focus on creating, investigating and communicating with ICT
Find out how to produce creative content on the iPad
See how photography and film making can be used across all subject areas for transformational learning
Create epubs and iBooks in your classroom
Explore new ways to share information, create multi-modal presentations and exciting digital content on the iPad
Learn how to take the next step with the iPad by developing creative workflows for your learning goals
Cathy’s dynamic and interactive workshops are based on direct practical experience from her own classroom and experience as a consultant for a variety of diverse educational contexts.
And, no matter what your focus, your students or staff will be inspired by Cathy’s passion and creativity as a teacher and the potential of the iPad as a creative classroom tool. We can design a PD for you.
Contact us by using the email form on the right sidebar, or cathy@ipadartroom.com. You can also check out our recent events and testimonials by clicking here.
SAMR Model (source: Rueben Puentedura)