Food Fantasy
Tank Sushi
Cranberry Bog Wakeboarding
“The annual harvesting of cranberries has to be one of the most ingenius methods of fruit farming there is. Every fall after the berries ripen on the vine, instead of being picked by people or machine the fields are flooded with water from a nearby reservoir. Because the berries are filled with air, all it takes is a gentle nudge from a special tractor to knock them loose and float them to the surface where they are quickly and easily collected by the tasty, tart kabillions.
Lucky for us a film crew over at Redbull asked the important question: “What would happen if you pulled a wakeboarder through the ocean of cranberries and filmed with high speed HD film?” This glorious video is the result. The team assures us that no cranberries were injured during production. (via devour)” SOURCE
Back to Light: Artist Caleb Charland Uses Fruit Batteries to Illuminate Long-Exposure Photographs
“Artist Caleb Charland just unveiled several new images from his Back to Light series, where the artist uses nails inside fruit connected with copper wire to create functional batteries. Harnessed to a small lightbulb, the current is sufficient enough to provide illumination for long exposure photographs. Effectively, the organic batteries create enough voltage to light their own portrait.” SOURCE
Cute & Quirky Mini-Food Jewelry
If you want your jewelry to really stand out (and you are hungry for a snack), check out this cute & quirky mini-food jewelry by SouZouCreations. Souzou, meaning ‘creation through imagination,’ is an Etsy shop that was started by Canadian artist Sofia. Sofia currently lives in Japan and creates these deliciously sweet accessories with combinations of wood, Japanese chiyogami paper, pottery shards, and small plastic food pieces.
Sofia’s inspiration comes from observing the popular use of life-size plastic food in Japan to advertise outside of restaurants. She said, “This idea of plastic food just caught my imagination and when I found mini versions I had an ah-ha! moment and just was taken by inspiration!” Sofia enjoys making these adorable pieces because she is able to combine her love of unique jewelry with her love of food and making things. Find anything from a traditional Japanese meal to an ice cream and chocolate cake dessert. Yum! SOURCE
Miniature Food
Food in half…