Creative technology
Check out these three innovative ‘making tools’ and imagine the possibilities!
This Cool Pad And Pen Lets You Sketch In 3D Using Augmented Reality
GIZMODO “Gravity is a pen and pad that allows to sketch in 3D space using augmented reality. The cool patent-pending system hardware and software system has gone through several working prototypes and now they are looking to start manufacturing.
Gravity’s creators — a group of four Innovation Design Engineering students of the Royal College of Art, London — think that it can really change the creative process for designing 3D objects.” (via Jesus Diaz at Gizmodo)
Turn any inkjet printer into a circuit printer with this DIY kit
GIGACOM “Circuits – the wires that carry electricity from point A to point B in an electronic device–are becoming more and more low-tech. Scientists are wiring them into our clothes via silver nanowires or redefining the circuit altogether by trading wires for nontraditional conductive materials like slime mold.
But one of the biggest innovations has been making it easier than ever to fabricate our own circuits at home. AgIC Print is the newest project meant to bring circuit fabrication to the desktop, and it does it with a familiar tool: off-the-shelf inkjet printers. The kit is currently going for $299 in AgIC’s Kickstarter campaign, which closes today, and it can be used to modify any existing printer.” (via Signe Brewster on Gigaom)
Circuit Scribe: Instantly Draw Functional Electrical Circuits on a Piece of Paper
THIS IS COLOSSAL “The folks over at Urbana-based Electroninks Incorporated just launched a Kickstarter project for a new kind of pen that draws fuctional electronic circuits instantly. Called the Circuit Scribe, the handy little device works like a regular ballpoint pen and releases a non-toxic conductive silver ink that dries instantly. Via Kickstarter:
Circuit Scribe is for Makers, STEM Educators, Artists, Kids, & Life Hackers. We wanted to make it easier for Makers to Make. No shaking, no squeezing, no goop, no smell, no waiting for ink to dry. Circuit Scribe draws smooth lines with conductive silver ink and allows you to create functioning circuits instantly.” (via Christopher Dobson on This is Colossal)
Want to see more? Check out these 3D light installations…