App-Attack! STEP BY STEP (and art apps list) from a drawing by a Year 6 student
See the creative process in living colour! Check out this gallery to watch this Year 6 drawing, created as part of a ‘Mythical Monsters’ unit, transform into spectacular experimental abstractions and more. Using workflows, students grapple with the creative process and explore the endless possibilities of art making. Using the iPad in this ‘hands-on’ and organic way is engaging and confidence building. There are no mistakes during production, as changes can be easily made. Students are free to create!
These kinds of activities are also a wonderful introduction to abstraction – through the process of construction and deconstruction students manipulate the elements of art and can be empowered to abandon subject matter.
- DRAWING – Starting Point
- Drawing + XnShape
- …then ColorStrokes
- …then Snackerdoodle
- …then Deco Sketch
- …then Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …then BeFunky
- …more BeFunky
- …then MegaPhoto
- …then BeFunky
- …then ColorLake
- …more ColorLake
- …then Tangled
- …then Tangled
- …then ArtPainting HD
- …then ArtPainting HD
- …then BeFunky
- …more BeFunky
- …more BeFunky
- …more BeFunky
- …back into ArtPainting HD
- …more ArtPainting HD
- …more ArtPainting HD
- …back into Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …more BeFunky
- …more BeFunky
- …back into MegaPhoto
- Starting image…
- …and #2…
- Starting image #1…
- Starting image…
- …more MegaPhoto
- …more MegaPhoto
- …more MegaPhoto
- …more MegaPhoto
- …more MegaPhoto
- Starting image
- …into Duomatic
- …more Duomatic
- …more Duomatic
- …more Duomatic
- …inserted & rotated in Pic Jointer
- Image created by repeating and rotating in Pic Jointer
- art
- Rather than cropping and zooming, images can be manipulated in the apps.
- …dropped into Pic Stitch
- …then into Etchings
- …into XnShape
- …another XnShape
- …another Xn Shape
- …another Xn Shape
- …another XnShape
- …Xn Shape
- …into Etchings
- …into ArtPaint8ing HD
- …ArtPainting HD
- …into Tangled again
- …more Tangled
- …more Tangled
- …back into ArtPainting HD
- …then a portrait + Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …Duomatic
- …back into Tangled
- …back into Tangled
I wonder if using an app like this could produce an animation of this image changing from one app to the next in a morph. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/face-morphing-video/id547562318?mt=8
You are one step ahead! There is a post on this coming soon. I like Morpho for those ‘talking head’ creations…I use them in these kinds of activities to present reflections on the process in an engaging way. It’s great to hear the monster himself explaining the processes that changed him from a representational image into an abstraction!