Year 8 clay fish
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Today we used stop-frame animation to capture the process of creating a pinch pot. This was Year 8’s first go at using the iPads and iMotion HD to create a clip to break down and analyse their construction process.
” It was great to see the ‘animated’ finished construction, ready to be fired and painted, but we also learnt a lot looking at the way we made our films. Now we know a lot more about shooting techniques, the camera angles that suit this kind of filmmaking, we have explore rate of frames and time lapse photography.
Our next challenge…painting our fish and using them in a group stop-frame animation project to showcase our imagination and new found skills! “
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All of the fishes look great! I cant wait to see the when they are all completed! So far a brilliant start to the year. Great job everyone!
I agree – you guys are amazing! What a great semester so far.
Well done Year 8, indeed. You have produced some great stuff in your art classes! My students had a look and we are inspired to make some of our own all the way over here in Texas.
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